• Using Fat Transfer for Breast Augmentation

    Medical advances in the field of cosmetic surgery now allow plastic surgeons to provide patients with breast augmentation options that are safer and more effective than ever before. Women who are interested in a minor increase in breast size can undergo a breast enhancement in Manhattan that utilizes liposuction procedures to harvest unwanted fat from the patient’s body. This fat is then used to create extremely natural looking breast implants for the patient. Here is more information about how advanced plastic surgeons can use liposuction for fat transfer in a breast augmentation procedure.

    Benefits of Liposuction and Fat Transfer for Breast Implants

    If you choose to use a fat transfer procedure for your breast implants, you will be undergoing the least invasive method of cosmetic surgery currently available for breast enhancement. Your plastic surgeon will not need to make any cuts or incisions to perform your breast augmentation. This means that your recovery period will be significantly shorter, and the breast augmentation procedure will have fewer risks and potential side effects. You will not be at risk for scarring, and because your breast implants will be created from your body’s own fat, rather than a foreign substance, you won’t be at risk of developing medical or cosmetic problems related to your breast implant materials.

    How the Fat Transfer Breast Enhancement Procedure Works

    Your plastic surgeon will harvest fat from a pre-determined area of your body using liposuction. Individual droplets of the harvested fat are then meticulously and precisely injected into key areas of the breasts. This transferred fat grows naturally in the breast tissue, causing the breasts to enlarge. Because this particular plastic surgery method is minimally invasive, the breast enhancement procedure is outpatient, and performed under general anesthesia and sedation.

    Recovery Time After a Breast Augmentation Using Fat Transfer

    Once the anesthesia wears off, you may return home. The average recovery time is two to four days, which is much quicker than traditional plastic surgery options for breast augmentation. You may experience mild bruising or swelling, but it should subside after one or two weeks.

  • Areas Treatable with Liposuction

    Undergoing liposuction in Manhattan is an effective way to sculpt your body the way you choose. Plastic surgery patients often choose liposuction because they have areas of excess fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. When you meet with the plastic surgeon to discuss your goals for your appearance, be sure to advise him or her to the areas you wish to treat. Patients undergoing liposuction often choose to have fat removed from the abdomen, hips, and thighs.

    Other areas that are treatable with liposuction include the arms, back, buttocks, and breasts. Men and women may choose to have liposuction on the breasts when they prefer to avoid a more aggressive breast reduction procedure. You might be surprised to learn that liposuction can even target your jowls. Additionally, liposuction can oftentimes be performed with local anesthesia alone. Regardless of your diet and exercise habits, it can be very difficult to slim down the face and chin. If you’re bothered by the appearance of a double chin, consider talking to a plastic surgeon about liposuction. liposuction in nyc

  • Understanding Fat Transfer

    Fat transfer NYC Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or fat injections, is a procedure your plastic surgeon can perform. It involves taking fat from one area of your body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks, and injecting it into another area of the body that lacks volume. When the fat is injected into the buttocks, the procedure is often referred to as a Brazilian butt lift . If you’re considering having this type of cosmetic surgery in Manhattan, a plastic surgeon can help you explore your options.


    A Brazilian butt lift or other type of fat transfer procedure can help you achieve the curves you’ve dreamed of. It’s a highly versatile procedure that produces completely natural-looking results. Additionally, since the plastic surgery involves injecting your own purified fat back into your body, fat transfers are well tolerated. Although synthetic fillers are also an effective means of adding volume to certain areas, fat transfers provide longer lasting results.


    Only a plastic surgeon can tell you if you’re a good candidate for a fat transfer procedure. You may be a good candidate if you’re displeased by a sunken appearance of the face. Your own body fat is an effective facial filler. It can add plumpness to the laughlines and cheeks, and it can restore your youthful silhouette.


    Before you have a plastic surgeon perform a fat transfer procedure, consider whether you’d like to undergo another procedure to improve your results further. Many people choose to combine fat grafting with a facelift. The facelift tightens the tissues and skin to resolve wrinkles and sagging, while the fat transfer restores volume to deep creases. Another option is to undergo liposuction. You can eliminate stubborn bulges of fat from areas such as the hips and thighs. Then, the plastic surgeon can purify the extracted fat and inject it into a different area. Fat transfers are also popular among individuals who are considering breast augmentation. The injections may be used instead of breast implants to achieve a modest increase in size. Plastic surgeons can perform fat transfers on breast cancer survivors who have undergone lumpectomy or mastectomy. This technique is one method of reconstructing the breast.

  • Answering Your Questions About ThermiTight

    When you consult a plastic surgeon in Manhattan about skin rejuvenation procedures, he or she may recommend ThermiTight. ThermiTight is an effective, safe, and painless procedure that tightens the skin by stimulating the production of collagen . One question you might have about ThermiTight is how it works. When you visit the plastic surgery office for your ThermiTight appointment, the plastic surgeon will first apply a local anesthetic to eliminate any discomfort. Then, he or she inserts a needle-thin probe underneath the skin. The probe transmits radiofrequency energy, which causes tissue shrinkage and stimulates collagen production.

    Since ThermiTight is performed in a plastic surgery office, some patients may have questions about the recovery process. However, ThermiTight isn’t a surgical procedure; it’s a micro-invasive treatment that doesn’t require any downtime or repeat procedures. The only precaution you’ll need to take is to use mild soaps and lotions for several days following your appointment. Additionally, be sure to apply sunscreen before going outdoors.

  • Is a Breast Augmentation Right for You?

    Along with liposuction and the Brazilian Butt Lift, breast augmentation is among the most popular types of plastic surgery. Before you decide whether to get breast implants, you’ll meet with a plastic surgeon in Manhattan. The plastic surgeon will review your medical history, ask you some questions about your expectations, and discuss the procedure. Your plastic surgeon can help you determine whether breast enhancement is right for you or if another type of cosmetic surgery might help you achieve your goals for your appearance. Manhattan Breast Augmentation

    Are You Dissatisfied with Your Breasts?

    Consider your reasons for wanting to get breast implants. Plastic surgeons typically recommend having breast augmentation to make yourself happy, rather than to please another person. Many women choose to get breast implants because they feel that their breasts are too small and that this has a negative effect on femininity. Other individuals may have breast augmentation as part of a series of procedures for gender affirmation.

    Are You in Good Overall Health?

    Good candidates for breast augmentation procedures and other types of plastic surgery are in good overall health. Every surgery has the potential for health risks. If you’re a smoker or you are otherwise in poor health, you may be at a higher risk of complications. Your plastic surgeon may ask you to quit smoking before having the procedure. If you’re planning to have breast augmentation after surviving breast cancer, you may need to be cancer-free for a certain period of time before receiving breast implants.

    Do You Have Realistic Expectations?

    Most women who undergo breast augmentation procedures do have realistic expectations for the outcome of the surgery. Your plastic surgeon can help you understand what this procedure can and cannot accomplish. Depending on your goals for your appearance, you might choose to undergo additional surgeries, such as a breast lift.

    Are You Planning Any Life Changes?

    Let your plastic surgeon know if you’re planning any significant changes in your life. He or she should know if you plan to lose a significant amount of weight, if you intend on becoming pregnant, and if you plan to breastfeed. Clinical studies do not indicate that breast implants affect fetal health. However, family planning may influence the recommended size of the implants.

  • The 411 on ThermiTight [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Skin begins to sag as part of the aging process, but that doesn’t mean you just have to accept it. Now, there is a minimally invasive, non-surgical system for achieving a more youthful complexion: ThermiTight. ThermiTight uses thermal energy, delivered just beneath your skin through an electrode, to stimulate collagen production and improve your skin elasticity. With ThermiTight, you get results that outlast other non-invasive options, all without a lengthy recovery. Is ThermiTight the solution for you? Find out more in this infographic from EBS Plastic Surgery near Manhattan . Because ThermiTight is also ideal for treating other conditions, such as hyperhidrosis, the best way to learn how this powerful procedure can help you is to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon. Do you have friends and family who are looking for ways to achieve a youthful look? Please share this information with them.

    thermitight infographic manhattan

  • Should You Consider a Brazilian Butt Lift?

    Exercise can help you tone your buttocks, but it might not be able to give you the curvaceous backside of your dreams! Luckily, a Brazilian butt lift near Manhattan can help you get the curves you want to fill out your ideal wardrobe.

    Brazilian butt lifts have become increasingly popular plastic surgery procedures. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will remove fat from your back, thighs, or stomach. After removal, your plastic surgeon will purify the fat to prepare it for the next step. This fat will then be injected into your buttocks and the plastic surgeon will use liposuction tools to contour the area to your desired shape. You might be a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift if you have extra fat in your back, thighs, or stomach and wish to have a larger backside. Meet with a plastic surgeon to get a better idea of whether or not this procedure is right for you!

    Brazilian butt lift manhattan

  • How ThermiTight Can Change Your Appearance

    You do not have to get cosmetic surgery in Manhattan to become more confident in your appearance! ThermiTight is a minimally invasive procedure that can help you look and feel better without the need for surgery. Discover how ThermiTight can change your appearance for the better: thermitight manhattan

    Toning Up Flabby Areas
    Working out and eating a healthy diet can help you stay in shape. But even the healthiest lifestyles cannot always get rid of flabby areas of skin! These stubborn pockets of fat can make it hard to feel confident in your appearance. If you want to get rid of this fat but do not want to get liposuction, ThermiTight can be a good alternative. ThermiTight heats the tissue under the surface of the skin, which can melt away stubborn areas of fat and give you a more toned appearance.

    Firming Up Loose Skin
    Collagen production slows down as we get older. This is why it is normal for skin to become thinner and looser as we age. If you are unhappy with loose skin and wish to regain the firmer skin of your younger days, ThermiTight can help! Heating the tissue under the skin’s surface boosts the body’s natural collagen production process. This will firm up your skin to help you look and feel younger.

    Reducing the Appearance of Wrinkles
    Wrinkles and fine lines are other common signs of aging that can make you uncomfortable with your appearance. ThermiTight can also help you reduce these signs of aging to regain your confidence! The heating process is effective for nerve ablation, which helps reduce signals in underlying muscles that lead to wrinkle development. Results are long-lasting, allowing patients to feel comfortable and confident with younger-looking skin.

    Helping You Stay Cool
    Do you suffer from excessive sweating? This condition, also known as hyperhidrosis, makes it difficult to feel confident around others and even when you are alone. Your plastic surgeon can help with ThermiTight! Nerve ablation is effective at reducing sweat production in the armpits, making it easier to stay cool and dry with regular deodorant.

  • What Are the Side Effects of Gynecomastia Surgery?

    Male breasts, also known as gynecomastia, can make it difficult for men to be confident with their appearance. Undergoing gynecomastia surgery in Manhattan can be an effective way to deal with this uncomfortable and embarrassing condition.

    Meeting with a plastic surgeon will allow you to learn more about gynecomastia as well as the surgical procedure used to treat it. Your plastic surgeon will describe each step of the process as well as what to expect following the procedure. It is important to be aware of possible side effect so you can fully prepare for the recovery process. Some of the most common side effects associated with gynecomastia surgery include burning sensations in the chest, swelling around the chest, and bruising. These potential side effects are common with many different types of surgery and are often looked at as normal parts of the recovery process. If you are interested in learning more, schedule an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon as soon as possible.

    gynecomastia surgery manhattan

  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Liposuction

    Diet and exercise cannot always help you get rid of stubborn fat, but liposuction in Manhattan can! If you have stubborn fat around your stomach, hips, thighs, or other parts of the body, liposuction can help you get a more toned and fit appearance. This guide can tell you what to expect: liposuction manhattan

    Before the Procedure
    Meeting with a plastic surgeon is the first step to take if you are interested in liposuction. During your first consultation, you will talk about why and where you want to get liposuction. Your plastic surgeon will describe the procedure to you and let you know if your goals are realistic. You two will also discuss different types of liposuction and which one is most appropriate for you if you are a good candidate. If the cosmetic surgeon believes you can benefit from the procedure, you two can set up an appointment and start discussing specifics.

    During the Procedure
    You will need a friend or family member to drive you to the plastic surgeon’s office for your liposuction procedure. The type of anesthesia that will be administered depends on the type of liposuction you are getting as well as where you are getting it. Once you are properly sedated, your cosmetic surgeon will make an incision and insert a tube known as a cannula to break up the fat. Next, your cosmetic surgeon will use a vacuum tool to remove the broken up fat from your body.

    After the Procedure
    Once the procedure is over, the fat removal area will be bandaged and wrapped to promote healing and reduce pain and swelling. It is normal to experience swelling immediately following a liposuction treatment, meaning you will not be able to see the final results right away. You will need to meet with your plastic surgeon throughout the recovery period to ensure that your body is healing properly and the treatment was effective. As swelling goes down, you will be able to notice a slimmer and more toned appearance!