• Should You Consider a Breast Lift?

    Breast augmentations are not the only procedures cosmetic surgeons in Manhattan offer to change the size and shape of breasts. While augmentation is the right choice for women who want larger breasts, it is not necessarily the best choice for women who want firmer or perkier breasts without changing the size.

    A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is very popular for women after going through pregnancy, experiencing breastfeeding, or losing significant amounts of weight. The breasts lose elasticity, resulting in sagging skin that lacks firmness. Plastic surgeons can perform breast lifts to remove excess skin and reshape and reposition breast tissue to create a fuller, firmer, and higher chest. Contact a plastic surgeon to learn more about breast lifts and if you should consider this procedure!

    cosmetic surgery manhattan

  • Body Contouring Procedures: What to Ask Your Surgeon

    What do face lifts, breast lifts , and tummy tucks have in common? All of these are body contouring procedures that your Manhattan plastic surgeon can perform! Body contouring is a great way to get rid of excess fat and skin to create a leaner and more attractive shape. Prepare by asking your surgeon these questions:

    body contouring manhattan

    What is Body Contouring?
    Your plastic surgeon should be able to explain the body contouring process and how you can benefit from it. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will carefully cut away excess skin and fat from targeted areas of the body. The surgeon will then reshape the remaining skin to create a smoother, fitter, and more attractive body.

    Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure?
    Body contouring can help many different patients get the bodies they want! This procedure is typically popular for people who have lost significant amounts of weight. That is because rapid weight loss can leave loose and sagging skin that makes it difficult to show off your new figure. Your plastic surgeon can help you determine if you are the right type of candidate for this procedure.

    Where Can Body Contouring be Performed?
    Unlike other procedures that focus on a specific body part, body contouring can be performed on many different parts of the body! Your plastic surgeon will explain where body contouring will work; including the stomach, breasts, arms, legs, and face. Talk to your plastic surgeon about your specific wants to determine if the procedure is a good choice.

    What Kind of Results Can I Expect?
    It is always important to have realistic expectations when undergoing any type of plastic surgery. Talking to your plastic surgeon will help you find out what you can expect from the procedure and how your body will look once it is done healing. You can also ask to see before and after pictures to give you a better idea of how body contouring works for different parts of the body.

  • How Your Plastic Surgeon Can Treat Hyperhidrosis

    People typically visit a cosmetic surgeon in Manhattan to learn about procedures that will improve their physical appearance—but these surgeons offer much more! There are a number of cosmetic procedures that have many uses, allowing a variety of patients to gain more confidence and find relief from problems such as hyperhidrosis.

    Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, can be an embarrassing and overwhelming condition. The body procedures more sweat than it needs to in order to stay cool, resulting in wetness, odor, and sweat stains on clothing. Nerve ablation is very useful for reaching the sweat glands in armpits, hands, feet, and other parts of the body, effectively reducing sweating. A plastic surgeon can use ThermiTight for the nerve ablation benefits, allowing patients to find relief from excessive sweating! If you are concerned about your excessive sweating, consider scheduling an appointment with a plastic surgeon to see how ThermiTight can provide relief from hyperhidrosis.

    cosmetic surgeon manhattan

  • What Are the Benefits of the ThermiRF System?

    Visiting a plastic surgeon in Manhattan can help you determine if the ThermiRF System can help you! This cosmetic treatment has many uses, making it a popular choice among patients of all ages and body types. If you think ThermiRF can help you, read on to take a closer look at some of the benefits it offers. plastic surgeon manhattan

    Helping You Slim Down
    Do you have stubborn areas of fat that do not seem to go away no matter how good your diet is or how often you work out? Even a healthy lifestyle can still leave fat around your stomach, hips, and thighs. Instead of living with your trouble areas or turning to an invasive procedure such as liposuction, you can get rid of small areas of fat with help from the ThermiRF System. This treatment can melt fat to give you a fitter appearance!

    Giving You Tighter Skin
    If you have lost a significant amount of weight or gone through pregnancy, you are probably familiar with loose and sagging skin. When the body experiences such drastic changes, it can be difficult for the skin to keep its elasticity. This results in sagging skin that can be uncomfortable and take away from your confidence. The ThermiRF System can be used to stimulate collagen production and give the skin more elasticity for tighter and more toned skin!

    Smoothing Out Wrinkles
    By stimulating collagen production, the ThermiRF System can also help you say goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles. These marks typically appear on the face as we get older, but can appear sooner as a result of sun exposure, smoking, and other habits. If you want to get rid of your wrinkles, your plastic surgeon can perform the ThermiRF treatment to target facial muscles that cause wrinkles and smooth out skin for a younger appearance.

    Keeping You Cool
    Excessive sweating can take a toll on your confidence and ruin your favorite clothing. Luckily, plastic surgeons often use the ThermiRF System for nerve ablation that can help patients dealing with excessive sweating! Scheduling an appointment with a plastic surgeon is the best way to find out if the ThermiRF System can help you.

  • Sculpting the Perfect Backside

    Are you dissatisfied with your appearance? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could take fat from one part of your body and move it to another part of your body? With cosmetic surgery in Manhattan , you can do just that. Read on to find out how you can enjoy a fuller and more attractive backside with a Brazilian butt lift.

    This advanced cosmetic surgery procedure is designed to take unwanted fat from one part of the body and transfer it to the buttocks to create a fuller backside. During the procedure, fat is typically taken from the thighs, stomach, or back before it is purified and injected into the buttocks. A cosmetic surgeon then uses liposuction to create an attractive contour for a shapely and attractive backside. Patients are instructed to wear body garments for six to eight weeks in order to control swelling and provide the best results possible.

    Brazilian Butt Lift Manhattan

  • Signs a Tummy Tuck Is Right for You

    Liposuction is not the only cosmetic procedure that can get rid of stubborn, unwanted fat—a tummy tuck in Manhattan can also help you become more confident in your appearance! This procedure removes excess skin to create a smoother, tighter, and more toned-looking stomach. These signs can help you decide if a tummy tuck is right for you. tummy tuck manhattan

    You Have Excess Abdominal Fat
    If you are unhappy with excess fat around your stomach, a cosmetic surgeon might recommend a tummy tuck to remove this fat. Tummy tuck patients may have this excess fat for a variety of reasons, including aging, recent weight loss, pregnancy, or experience with another type of surgery. Getting a tummy tuck can remove the excess fat to give you a tighter, smoother, and more attractive stomach.

    You Eat Right and Exercise Regularly
    Tummy tucks remove excess fat, but that does not mean they are right for everyone interested in losing weight. Ideal candidates for tummy tucks are people who have a healthy diet and exercise regularly but still have stubborn stomach fat that will not seem to go away. If you have been working hard to lose weight or keep your body in good shape but are struggling with abdominal fat, a tummy tuck might be the right cosmetic surgery procedure for you.

    You are in Good Health
    It is always important for patients to be in good health before undergoing surgery. The healthier you are, the easier it is for your body to handle surgery and start recovering as quickly and efficiently as possible when surgery is over. If you are not currently in good health, you can take time to work on improving your health before visiting a cosmetic surgeon.

    You Know What to Expect
    The best patients will have the right expectations for a tummy tuck procedure. This cosmetic procedure is not a form of weight-loss surgery, though it can remove significant amounts of fat and excess skin. You should have realistic expectations before going into the procedure. Talking to a cosmetic surgeon can help you understand the procedure and what to expect!

  • Reasons to Consider a Breast Lift

    You have likely heard of breast augmentation, but what about mastopexy? This procedure, more commonly referred to as a breast lift in Manhattan , raises the breast tissue and tightens the surrounding skin for higher, firmer, and perkier breasts.

    Is a breast lift the right procedure for you? The answer might be yes if you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, but satisfied with the size. A breast lift can be the right choice if you notice your breasts drooping due to pregnancy or breastfeeding. This procedure can also help you regain your confidence if your breasts have become pendulous after losing weight or simply due to aging. Women who find that their breasts lack firmness may also be interested in undergoing a breast lift.

    You can schedule an appointment with a plastic surgeon to learn more about the breast lift procedure and who makes the ideal candidate. A plastic surgeon will be able to evaluate your breasts and determine if a breast lift can help you achieve your goals!

    breast lift manhattan

  • The Uses of ThermiTight

    Loose skin can take a toll on your confidence. Aging, weight loss, and lifestyle habits can all impact the elasticity of your skin, resulting in skin that appears loose and saggy. Luckily, ThermiTight near Manhattan can help you say goodbye to loose skin and gain more confidence in your appearance! This non-surgical cosmetic procedure has many uses, including the following: non surgical treatment manhattan

    Tightening Loose Skin
    Do you have loose skin around your face, neck, chest, stomach, or arms? It is normal for skin to lose elasticity as we get older, but some cases are more severe than others. Sun exposure, smoking, and even gravity can all make skin sag faster, making it difficult to feel confident in your appearance. ThermiTight is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that can tighten sagging skin by stimulating collagen production.

    Getting Rid of Small Amounts of Fat
    Liposuction is a popular procedure to remove fat, but not every patient wants to undergo surgery. ThermiTight can also reduce small amounts of fat by targeting specific fat cells in trouble areas. This provides a great alternative for patients who want to get rid of small amounts of fat around the face, neck, arms, stomach, and chest, but who do not want to undergo a liposuction procedure.

    Improving Signs of Wrinkles
    Wrinkles and fine lines are other annoyances that can come with aging. ThermiTight also provides nerve ablation properties which can help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles around the face. Nerve ablation can target the muscles that cause wrinkles to form, temporarily stopping the movement to keep skin smooth and soft. Many patients use this treatment in addition to Botox, enjoying results that can last up to two years.

    Reducing Excess Sweat
    If you suffer from hyperhidrosis or other conditions that cause excessive sweating, ThermiTight can help you find relief! The nerve ablation properties that reduce signs of wrinkles can also reduce the amount of sweat produced by the sweat glands in your arms. After treatment, you will be able to feel more confident in how you look and how you smell.

  • Tummy Tuck Words to Know

    Before you get a tummy tuck in Manhattan , it is important to have a basic understanding of the procedure and its terminology. Use this guide to increase your tummy tuck vocabulary so you are ready for the procedure and the results it can bring:

    Abdominoplasty is the surgical term for the tummy-tuck procedure. General anesthesia refers to the drugs used to keep a patient unconscious throughout the surgery. Sutures are the stitches that the surgeon will use to close the incision once the surgery is complete. Liposuction is a different plastic surgery procedure that sucks extra fat out of a certain part of the body. It can be used with a tummy tuck to offer the best results.

    If you are unhappy with the look of your stomach, you should schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon to find out if a tummy tuck can help. Working with the right surgeon gives you the chance to target your trouble areas and get the results that you want.

    Tummy Tuck Manhattan

  • A Patient’s Guide to Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Do you wish you had a little more fullness in your buttocks, and maybe a little less of it in other parts of your body? Now, you can shift that excess fat from where you don’t want it to where you do with a Brazilian butt lift. With this plastic surgery, your doctor can take fat from your back, stomach, thighs, or other area where you want to get rid of it and transfer it to your buttocks to give you the curves you’re lacking. Because the procedure uses your own fat, there is little risk of complications, and the results can be dramatic. Learn more about the Brazilian butt lift procedure in this infographic from EBS Plastic Surgery , a practice that offers cosmetic surgery in Manhattan. Schedule an appointment to learn more about this procedure and to see plastic surgery before and after photos, and spread the word about this exciting procedure by sharing this infographic.

    Brazilian butt lift infographic manhattan