Recovering From a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck in Manhattan can help you achieve your ideal appearance. This type of plastic surgery, which removes fat and excess skin in the abdominal region, is popular among male and female patients alike. A tummy tuck can offer both skin tightening and body sculpting benefits, which can be especially helpful for mothers with loose skin and fatty deposits following pregnancy and childbirth. If you are about to undergo a tummy tuck, it is important to understand what your recovery will entail. Recovering From a Tummy Tuck Manhattan

Keep Your Surgical Site Clean
All surgeries come with a risk of infection, and a tummy tuck is no exception. When your plastic surgeon completes your procedure, he will carefully close your incisions and bandage them. However, you may need to change your dressings and clean your wounds in the days following your procedure. Before you receive a tummy tuck, discuss how to clean your incisions with your surgeon. A plastic surgery expert can explain how to wash your wounds, when you can resume showering, and what to do if you detect signs of infection.

Limit Your Physical Activities
The healing process following a tummy tuck may vary from patient to patient. Because your surgeon must make incisions that will affect both skin and muscles, it may take several weeks for the surgical site to completely recover. If you engage in strenuous activities that reopen your stitches, you could delay your recovery process or hinder the intended effects of your surgery. As you heal from your procedure, talk to your doctor about what activities you should avoid until your incisions close.

Attend Your Follow-Up Appointments
Even if you feel healthy and are free of pain after your tummy tuck, keep up with all scheduled doctor visits after your plastic surgery. Your surgeon can examine your incisions for signs of infection and make sure that they are healing as expected. Your follow-up appointments also give you the opportunity to discuss any questions you may have. When you maintain your postoperative schedule, you can facilitate the healing process and make sure that you get the maximum benefits from your tummy tuck procedure.

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