• Check out these amazing results from the Thermitight Procedure

    Thermitight has the potential to create a slimmer silhouette just by tightening the skin! Take a look at the amazing results from this patient:

  • Treatment Spotlight: ThermiTight

    You do not have to get a facelift or another surgical procedure to get a more youthful appearance. Thanks to ThermiTight , your plastic surgeon can help you tighten your face, neck, and even your body without the need for surgery.

    thermitight procedure NYC

    By utilizing radiofrequency energy underneath the skin, this procedure actually encourages your body to produce collagen. This helps to tighten skin in areas like the face and the neck, which can knock years off of your appearance. After the procedure, you experience little-to-no downtime but see results that are long-lasting so you can improve your appearance without going under the knife.

    This plastic surgery procedure is a great option for anyone who has started to see signs of aging on the face, the neck, the arms, the breasts, or even the abdomen. Some patients see results immediately after their last treatment, but some see more gradual results. If you are interested in this procedure and what it can do for you, you should talk to your New York City plastic surgeon today.