Looking at Our Body Contouring Procedures

Here at EBS Plastic Surgery , we understand how frustrating it can be to faithfully follow a diet and exercise program, yet still have trouble achieving your desired figure. We are pleased to offer advanced options for body contouring in NYC. If you are within 10 to 15 pounds of your ideal body weight, then you might consider a procedure such as a tummy tuck. Tummy tucks are among the most popular plastic surgeries for women who have had children because they can effectively resolve excess fat and skin in the abdominal area. Another popular option at our plastic surgery clinic is the Brazilian butt lift. During a Brazilian butt lift, the plastic surgeon will perform liposuction on one area of the body and transfer the fat to the buttocks. This body contouring procedure resolves excess fat where you don’t want it and adds curves to the places where you do.

If you have successfully achieved significant weight loss through bariatric surgery or other means, then you may experience difficulties with sagging skin on various parts of your body. If so, you may be a good candidate for a body lift. This procedure can transform your lower body and your midsection. Whatever your goals are, you’re sure to find the right solution at EBS Plastic Surgery.

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