The tummy-tuck procedure helps you perfect your physique and target areas of sagging skin that might affect your self-esteem. Keep reading to learn the difference between the mini and full tummy tucks so you can decide which option is right for you: Comparing Mini and Full Tummy Tucks Manhattan

Talk to Your Doctor About a Tummy Tuck
Before you can decide which procedure is right for you, you should schedule an appointment with a plastic surgeon so you can learn more about tummy tucks in Manhattan. Talk to the doctor about your concerns with your body and he or she will explain more about the procedure. A tummy tuck focuses on the abdominal area to get rid of extra skin and fatty tissue that is keeping you from reaching your ideal physique. The tummy tuck is designed to tighten the muscles on top of your belly button. You should also talk to your doctor about any health problems that you might have.

Think About a Mini Tummy Tuck
A regular tummy tuck targets the whole abdomen. If you opt for a mini tummy tuck, though, the plastic surgeon will only target the area that rests between the navel and the pubic bone. If your trouble areas are beneath your belly button, the mini tummy tuck in Manhattan might be the best option for you. The mini tummy tuck focuses on tightening the muscles that are in between the belly button and the pubic bone. If your weight tends to fluctuate a lot or you are planning to get pregnant in the future, though, your doctor might not recommend this procedure.

Be Prepared for the Procedure

If you are opting for the full tummy tuck, the procedure will take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the amount of tissue to be removed. If you choose to go with a mini tummy tuck, though, the procedure usually only lasts between 1 and 2 hours and can often be performed under local anesthesia. Most patients need about 4-6 weeks to completely recover from a full tummy tuck. Mini tummy tucks usually only take about 1-3 weeks for recovery time.

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