Understanding Fat Transfer

Fat transfer NYC Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or fat injections, is a procedure your plastic surgeon can perform. It involves taking fat from one area of your body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks, and injecting it into another area of the body that lacks volume. When the fat is injected into the buttocks, the procedure is often referred to as a Brazilian butt lift . If you’re considering having this type of cosmetic surgery in Manhattan, a plastic surgeon can help you explore your options.


A Brazilian butt lift or other type of fat transfer procedure can help you achieve the curves you’ve dreamed of. It’s a highly versatile procedure that produces completely natural-looking results. Additionally, since the plastic surgery involves injecting your own purified fat back into your body, fat transfers are well tolerated. Although synthetic fillers are also an effective means of adding volume to certain areas, fat transfers provide longer lasting results.


Only a plastic surgeon can tell you if you’re a good candidate for a fat transfer procedure. You may be a good candidate if you’re displeased by a sunken appearance of the face. Your own body fat is an effective facial filler. It can add plumpness to the laughlines and cheeks, and it can restore your youthful silhouette.


Before you have a plastic surgeon perform a fat transfer procedure, consider whether you’d like to undergo another procedure to improve your results further. Many people choose to combine fat grafting with a facelift. The facelift tightens the tissues and skin to resolve wrinkles and sagging, while the fat transfer restores volume to deep creases. Another option is to undergo liposuction. You can eliminate stubborn bulges of fat from areas such as the hips and thighs. Then, the plastic surgeon can purify the extracted fat and inject it into a different area. Fat transfers are also popular among individuals who are considering breast augmentation. The injections may be used instead of breast implants to achieve a modest increase in size. Plastic surgeons can perform fat transfers on breast cancer survivors who have undergone lumpectomy or mastectomy. This technique is one method of reconstructing the breast.

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