Factors That Contribute to the Aging of Breasts

aging breasts breast lift NYC Environmental factors can play a large role in how your breasts age and whether you will need a breast lift later in life. Researchers have recently found that the number of pregnancies a woman has, how much her weight fluctuates, and whether she smokes or not can all affect the appearance of her chest.

While weight gain and smoking can prematurely age the chest, women who breastfeed their children actually maintain the appearance of their breasts. There are number of other contributing factors like, not wearing a properly fitted bra, neglecting to moisturize the area and excessive exercise (this is particularly true if your breasts are not fully supported during exercise). Genetics also plays a role.

If you want to change the size or shape of your breasts, it might be time to consider a breast augmentation in New York City. Find a plastic surgeon that you can trust so you can talk about how to restore the appearance of your breasts.

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